The CoED Foundation

Our Patrons: Baroness Estelle Morris, Lord Herman Ousley, Professor Sir Tim Brighouse, Professor Ted Cantle, Professor Ron Greaves, Reverend Keith L. Magee, Prof Paul Gilbert OBE, Roxanna Panufnik

"Schools need to offer pupils the chance to learn with and about compassion. What young people learn should include a fascination for the way in which humans have tried to extend their world, sometimes with incredible achievement and sometimes at incredible cost. Our successes are often accompanied by failings and side-effects. We need future generations to strive for accomplishment while at the same time showing humility. Compassion should pervade school life and what we teach our young".

Professor Mick Waters | Chair, The CoED Foundation


We write books and articles, in particular our forthcoming major works include Towards the Compassionate School which answers some fundamental questions about the nature of and the rationale for compassionate education, and describes what a compassionate pupil, classroom, management team and curriculum would actually look like.Our other major work in progress, Multicultural Matters, is a substantive e-book covering the theory and practice of education for equality, diversity and cohesion; and provides a simple guide to all the major ethnic groups present in the UK.

We have devised and sought funding for a range of projects which have included a comic, The Compassionate Comic Project; and the Sacred Spaces Heritage project.

We offer courses and consultancies in the compassionate curriculum specialising in helping schools to develop the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of their curriculum.


We are part of a much wider international movement dedicated to bringing compassion back into all areas of life. Our values are based upon the Charter of Compassion which argues that all major faiths have one common element, The Golden Rule: Treat Others as you would wish to be treated. Understanding of compassion is well developed in the psychological, spiritual and neuroscientific worlds but is much less developed in the field of education.

There are many groups that specialise in aspects of education but none, like the CoED Foundation, which aims to bring together in one conceptual and holistic framework, all components of a compassionate education system.

More about our patrons, board and team

Charter of compassion


Although we are a small organisation, we share a similar vision and aims to many other organisations who like us, share the ideal but have specific and unique characteristics. In order therefore to maximise our impact we have developed strategic partnerships with a range of other bodies.

Strategic partners are organisations with which we work closely and with whom we generally have an agreement to complete a given piece of work.

Find out more about our strategic partners


Our needs are very modest: we require funds for core costs like administration, local travel, printing, and other expenses. In the longer term we hope to build up a small fund which will be allocated to projects devised, delivered and evaluated by young people themselves. The CEO, Chairman and Vice Chairman, Trustees and patrons donate their time freely and only the part-time administrator and researcher, and associates who are commissioned to run projects are actually paid. We are funded by charitable donations, by income from successful project bids and fees receive from courses, conference and book royalties.
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